

Booeys: A Ghost’s Code

Booeys: A Ghost’s Code

分类:策略 评分:0.00 热度:860 点评:0



Use little ghosts called Booeys to guide the Lost out of strange realms in this gorgeous puzzle game!

Booeys: A Ghost’s Code invites you to solve a series of complex puzzles with ever increasing difficulty. Each level represents a strange dimension with new challenges to face. As the one who controls the Booeys, you hold the key to helping the Lost escape. Engage in funny banter with Booeys between levels, and learn how your work in helping the Lost can launch you on the path to a successful career …

With Booeys: A Ghost’s Code, you’ll experience:

● \t30+ challenging puzzles to put your skills to the test

● \tBeautiful environments with a dark and intriguing visual style

● \tNew tools to master and put to use as you progress

● \tDifferent ways of completing each level

● \tTips for putting in-game skills to use in the real world

● \tCertificate of achievement for beating higher levels

Booeys: A Ghost’s Code was developed with support from Partner 4 Work to demonstrate the link between gaming and future careers in technology. Booeys engages five aptitudes critical to technical careers: Problem Solving, Logic, Attention to Detail, Understanding Algorithms, and the Ability to Conceive and Build a Solution.

If you live in southwestern Pennsylvania and want to learn more about ways to get started on a career in IT, fill out the contact form here:

Disclaimer: The certificate issued in this game solely recognizes the player’s in-game performance.

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